
6 weeks to 18 months


Our main focus in the room is forming secure attachments with your baby. Secure attachments and trust develop when we respond consistently, sensitively and confidently. Our attachment however will not affect your babies’ attachment to you – it helps them be close to people.

Current research very clearly tells us that babies who experience any care that is unresponsive, unpredictable or threatening may develop problems developing trust and attachment, this often affects a child’s overall development.

Our Crestmead Infant care room is licensed for 12 infants with 2 permanently employed educators.

What we will do to establish Infant connections

  • Connect with parents so you feel relaxed and confident in using the service.
  • Smile at your baby – so simple but so powerful
  • Cuddle
  • Sing
  • Baby massage or bath
  • Read Stories
  • Have tummy time and encourage your child to reach their infant milestones.