12 to 18 months
Our Toddlers have many opportunities to join in fun and educational experiences throughout the day. Informing us about what your Toddler loves to do helps us to plan for the transition from home to the centre.
Toddlers are developmentally egocentric. So helping Toddlers understand that there are other children in the group who may want to play with the same trucks is really tricky!! In helping this we deliberately set up our environments with multiple equipment that is the same or similar. Having one off pieces of equipment sets children up for challenges. However not everything can be avoided and nor should it, our educators are skilled in helping Toddlers learn life’s social skills.
Similarly, your child’s sensory motor development is vitally important. The Toddlers years see rapid growth in your child’s sensory motor systems and it is these systems that provide your child with the foundations for academic learning.
Crestmead Toddler room is licensed for 12 children with 3 permanently employed educators.
To continue developing the sensory motor systems we will:
- Crawl / Spin / Creep / Climb / Jump
- Dance
- Explore messy play – please supply old clothes
- Skip / hop / throw / catch
- Sing / play music